Watch the latest members of THE KNEE PAIN RECIPE explain how they have restored their flexibility, regained strength and found knee pain freedom with our holistic methods.
Life-Changing Results
Pain-Free Mobility
Empowering Wellness
I Love a Success Story
Denise used to take 6 Advils a day because she had so much knee pain.
Well….we walked 13,000 to 16,000 steps a day…and up and down steep hills. Ended up being approx.. 40 miles over the course of the six days. So what I can say is that I DID IT!! My knees were in pain and sore for sure…and I had to walk slowly especially going down the steep hills…but it was all worth it. I attached some photos of one of the grottos that we started at the top and walked down the winding steps to the bottom…it was an incredible experience!! Also included a sample of some of the roads we climbed!!
Take Care.
She no longer needs Advil
Feb 2023 Progam Feedback
You must watch this heart-warming video where a group of members speak about how our 8 Weeks to Knee Pain Freedom program has impacted their lives.
Saku Papino
Saku is 54 years old and has just completed The Knee Pain Workshop. Hear how she suffered from back pain and spasms and her legs were weak and achy.
Saku was desperate for help until she found our program, where she learned how to heal herself by reducing inflammation and creating strength and flexibility in her body.
Now she feels great!
Aven Wright
Aven (64 years old) used to workout daily and play pickleball and go for regular walks but she had to stop due to knee pain.
After only 3 weeks, Aven feels a difference. She had never heard of the Lymphatic Drainage System before and feels empowered to take care of her body and sustain the activity levels she was used to before knee pain.
Arnella Myers
At 32 years old, Arnella had pain in multiple locations, which all stemmed from an old sports injury. This had gotten so bad that long car journeys were painful, and Arnella would have to pause and recover as the pain travelled to her hips.
Arnella finds exercising on her own discouraging, so she was pleased to find a safe space to learn new techniques and learn about how her body is interconnected.
Sheila Klein
After trying everything from physio, massage, osteo therapy and laser therapy, Shelia found no permanent relief.
The pain had started to change her quality of life, but no has already seen results as the pain in her shoulder and back are gone. She is also learning more about her body and is working on her alignment. Sheila highly recommends our program.
Briana Knight
Happier, healthier and stronger! These are the words Briana used to describe how our program made her feel. After many years of intense sport and bad roller-skating accident, Brianna couldn't walk or climb the stairs without feeling pain.
She is now able to perform exercises like Squats, which she never thought possible. Hear more about Briana's new friends, new positive mindset and a new approach to taking care of her body.
Carol Dunklau
20 Years of knee pain had Carol taking corizone shots and various medications and had reached a point where she just could not walk.
After discovering Renee, Carol learned how to tackle the pain from within and said reducing the inflammation felt like a miracle. Hear how Carol now goes down the stairs without hanging on for dear life.
Lisa Giles
Although Lisa has Fibromyalgia and arthritis, she can still exercise up to 4 times a week due to the gentleness of the knee pain-friendly exercises Renee's program offers.
As a result of working on her body, Lisa can get on and off the floor, get out of bed and get out of the car.